I gave up and added pectin, because I want to go to bed at a reasonable hour tonight, and I didn’t trust it not to spontaneously become toffee instead of jam.
And then I had to strain my syrup through a sieve, because it was indeed lumpy (fortunately, I retained enough sense of self-preservation to add the pectin to just a small portion of the syrup, otherwise I really would have been in a jam) (sorry).
But! It set!
Of course, after all that, it tastes exactly like marmalade. This is extremely annoying, because I already know how to make marmalade, and it is much less labour-intensive. Also, I don’t really like marmalade.
You win some, you lose some…
(Of course, now I want to make croissants, because they are one of the few things that really do go well with marmalade, but I am *not* embarking on another 48-hour cooking project when I have to make 100 cupcakes for a party this weekend. I may be crazy when it comes to cooking, but I’m not quite that crazy.)
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