Good grief. And here I was thinking that nobody would actually spend $10 to get 12 pectin jellies, no matter how delicious. Ha. Between you lot and my work colleagues, I’m inundated already. I asked for expressions of interest and I got bona fide orders! Some of them even came from people who haven’t even tasted my cooking yet.
I’m delighted, but also a bit scared. Also, all the blood orange jellies are now spoken for, and I’m going to have to hunt around for a really good replacement flavour. Probably tangello – I’m working on this right now. Though I’ve heard rumours of blood oranges at the Vic Markets, so watch this space…
In the interests of retaining some kind of sanity (says she who has been living and breathing confectionery non-stop for the last three days), I’m going to take orders up until Monday, 12th December, and then I’m going to stop. I know this is a narrow window, but since I’m making things on order and will potentially need to make, pack and post or deliver them, I need to make sure I can actually get them made in a timely fashion.
Without further ado, flavours and prices are as follows:
Citrus: 4 each of lemon, grapefruit/pink grapefruit (I’m finding the pink grapefruit at this time of year don’t contain enough pectin to set properly. The joys of using fresh produce!), and tangello or mandarin (TBA) – $10
Middle Eastern: 4 each of lemon and rose, orange and orange flower water, and pomegranate, plus one extra, because these sweets are a little smaller than the others. – $10
Christmas Spice: 4 each of apple with cinnamon and cardamom, spiced orange and grapefruit and ginger. – $10

These are my secret favourite. Or maybe the middle eastern ones are. I can't tell you - it's a secret!
Luxury Fruit: 4 each of raspberry, passionfruit and lime – $11
Note that the prices for these will definitely go up in the new year, as I drastically underestimated how long it would take to cut and pack all these jellies! Note also that each pack weighs about 200g, but the individual jellies do vary slightly in size as I do not have a confectionery guitar to cut with and my tins are all slightly different sizes, too. If you get a slightly smaller raspberry, I’ll compensate with a slightly larger passionfruit or lime, and so forth, so it evens out.
Postal charges within Australia are likely to be $6 for a single pack, $7.35 for two packs, $13.50 for 3-4 packs, and so forth. I’m using the Australia Post calculator for this, and adding a dollar or so for the box. I’ll confirm prices before posting.
On the 16th, I’ll put up a post (and send emails to those on my confectionery mailing list) detailing what I have extras of, and will happily sell these, but I won’t make new batches after that point, because I am not absolutely crazy. Also, I can’t really guarantee delivery before Christmas after that point, because I’m not sure if Australia Post can guarantee it either.
And no, this won’t be the only time I’ll sell confectionery – I’ll probably do this three or four times a year, and can potentially make batches on demand on other occasions. The flavours will change, too, of course.
And now I will go back to gazing on the glory that is my lemon and rosewater jellies – I wanted to make them pink, but didn’t want to use colouring, so I just added a spoonful of raspberry juice when they were nearly at the required temperature, and they have gone the most beautiful bright pinkish-red. They taste pretty fabulous too.
Have you noticed that red food always tastes the nicest?
Edited to add: If you are interested in purchasing confectionery, comment below with your order, and I’ll email you to discuss payment and delivery and such. If you are not interested in purchasing confectionery, fear not! I do intend to post on other topics this month. But I have a little sugar-work to do first…
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