Quick apology post

This blog has been rather quiet recently, and I’m afraid it will continue to be quiet for the next couple of weeks – I am sitting a singing exam on September 9th, so currently all those waking hours which are not devoted to work are devoted to singing practice and the endless writing of Programme Notes (followed by the endless editing of Programme Notes since, as nobody reading this blog will be surprised to learn, my first draft was sent back with the critique “Highly entertaining, but much too long”.  I know, I know, that doesn’t sound like me at all…).

I’m hoping to get a couple of cupcake and other wedding-related recipes up here as soon as I have time to re-work them, but right now there are barely enough hours in the day for cooking, and definitely not enough for writing about it…

Sorry about the hiatus – I will return to my normal blogging schedule as soon as possible.

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