While we are waiting…

So my domain has been transferred (as of midnight two days ago), but the actual data it contains has not, and until I hear back from Hostpapa, I can’t actually transfer it without going page manually by page, because of PHP memory issues. Nor, I fear, can anyone access my blog directly, because I have it set to auto-forward, and since this costs a certain amount, I’m unwilling to pay to switch it off and then switch it on again when, for all I know, the transfer could happen ten minutes from now.

I’m really sorry about this – I certainly did not anticipate being off-line this long, and I’m actually quite distressed about it. But these things happen, apparently.

Still, this is the internet, which means that there are plenty of ways for you to amuse yourselves while you await (eagerly, I trust!) the phoenix-like rebirth of Cate’s Cates.

Here are some suggestions…

Emily Cooks Vegan is a lovely blogger who is using food blogging as part of her recovery from an eating disorder. Her food is healthy and delicious and very appealing – I’m eyeing her Autumn Carrot Cake Porridge as I write this…

Almost Vegan is the blog of Amber Shea, who wrote possibly the only raw food cookbook I’ve seen that makes raw food look easy and practical rather than impossibly complicated and time-consuming. I’ll be reviewing it soon, but in the meantime, check out her 5 Minute Raw Blondies for a quick sweet fix.

Here’s The Veg is the blog of Cindy and Michael who are from Melbourne (yay!), and review local restaurants and cafés for your pleasure. They also have some delightful recipes, such as their Savoury Strawberry Salad which may well be on the menu tonight, since it occurs to me that I have practically all those ingredients right now.

The Silk Road Gourmet is a blog that was recommended to me by my friend Anna, a theologian who specialises in the Ancient Near East. I mention this, because Laura writes about the food, cooking and ingredients of the ancient world. It’s pretty fascinating stuff.

On a lighter note, you probably already know about Cake Wrecks, but if you don’t, and if you have ever wondered what happens when cake decorating goes bad, wonder no more (except, of course, to wander over to look at these rather disturbing cakes).

And finally, if it’s me you miss, and not just my food, drop by and check out my new music blog, Cate Sings. I’m collecting music I’ve made into a bit of a music CV, on the side, but mostly what I’m doing is providing an occasional fix of really beautiful music, culled mostly from YouTube. So if you enjoy a bit of classical music in your day, come and pay me a visit!

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