Last-minute wedding cake!

Two of my lovely scientists are getting married next Tuesday.  The wedding is being organised very much at the last minute, because they are heading overseas to visit family and have the baby christened the week after.

And I get to make the wedding cake!

(because naturally my response to someone saying “We’re getting married next week!” is “Can I make the wedding cake?”)

This is going to be a nice relaxing one to make, too – no allergies to work around, no colour preferences, only 50 people to cater for, and I pretty much have free rein to do what I like.  Also, it turns out that the groom’s favourite cake is black forest and the bride loves lemon meringue, and these are both cupcakes I can make and decorate in my sleep.  Which means I can whip the main cakes up nice and fast, make them beautiful, and then spend hours, if necessary, on something  truly spectacular for the top of the cupcake tree.  I’m taking the day before the wedding as an RDO, but I hardly need it – I suspect I could make the whole lot after work on the Monday night, but that way lies madness (more madness than usual, that is), and just occasionally I like to be sensible.

I am *ridiculously* excited about this.  The temptation to go tearing off to the cake decorating shop in my lunchbreak in search of fascinating little cupcake papers and edible glitter is enormous.

I wonder where I can buy violets?

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