Author: Catherine

Recipe: Vanilla and Carob Castle Cake

Hello!  Have you missed me?  I’ve missed you, she says, feelingly, looking at her terrifying list of un-read blog posts.  I’ve got a few posts to catch up on, but I’m still rather exhausted from the confectionery and also from…

Victory is mine!

I have finished, wrapped and packed all the confectionery.  I’m not going to hunt up the spreadsheet now, but last time I checked, I had around 200 orders, plus gifts.  At 12 pieces per order, that’s more than 2,400 pectin…

Recipe: Easiest Apricot Dessert Ever

Well, second easiest.  The easiest is just eating the apricots. This recipe is so easy it doesn’t even need quantities. What you do is you get a lovely fresh apricot, and slit it open just enough to get the stone…

Help! I’ve been eaten by confectionery!

This is just an apology for lack of posting past, present and yet to come.  It turns out that working full-time and making at least three batches of confectionery every evening doesn’t leave much time for contemplating other kinds of…


Good grief.  And here I was thinking that nobody would actually spend $10 to get 12 pectin jellies, no matter how delicious.  Ha.  Between you lot and my work colleagues, I’m inundated already.  I asked for expressions of interest and…

A foray into the world of business…

Clearly, I don’t have the commercial mind, because I’ve just spent ten minutes drafting and re-drafting the beginning of this post and deleting everything again. So maybe I should just cut to the chase. I’m trying to earn a little…

Henry VIII!

Somehow, this play feels as though it deserves a bit more thought and commentary than some of the other Shakespeare posts I’ve done.  So, since the lovely Melissa Siah (also known as Gardiner, the Evil Catholic Bishop of Winchester) took…

Henry VIII – Preview

Just a preview, because I am exhausted by hours of cooking and not enough sleeping, and also, strangely, by reading Catherine of Aragon, for whom I have a lot of sympathy at the best of times and who really is…