I’m reading a fair bit of young adult literature at the moment. There’s some very good stuff around. So when an online friend reviewed a YA book that was full of food and cooking I thought, yep, that’s one for…
Author: Catherine
The Food Garden
I’m a rotten gardener. I have absolutely no attention span for things like weeding or watering, and when it comes to feeding plants, or mulching, or pruning, well, for one thing I’m not really sure how, but it actually doesn’t…
Recipe: Garlic Fudge
Many years ago, I purchased a cookbook called Garlic, Garlic, Garlic!. I purchased it pretty much for the sake of one recipe, garlic fudge. I figured that garlic fudge was not a recipe I was going to find anywhere else,…
Market Day – still not Spring!

This gallery contains 7 photos →
Recipe: Bean and Pepper Tacos
This is one of my standbys when I’m tired and feeling unimaginative. It was especially fabulous when I gave up meat for Lent this year, and promptly regretted it because I couldn’t cope with long work days and then being…
Review: Breakfast at Veri Koko
I’m having rather a nice re-introduction to work this week after my holidays, at least as far as the non-work parts are concerned (alas, work itself has been pure trained-monkey stuff since Monday). About half my scientists are off at…
Recipe: Rosemary Chicken Skewers with Fruity Pilaf
I wanted to do something beautiful with those rosemary branches. That’s pretty much all the commentary this gets, because that was the entire inspiration for this meal. This recipe is truly mine – I’ve made jewelled pilafs to a number…
Someone in my workplace has been pruning their rosemary bush, so there were big branches of rosemary stacked on the bench of the Tea Room, dark green and aromatic, a gift to the hopeful cook. I grabbed four big branches. …
Recipe: Obscenely Decadent Chocolate and Cherry Brownies
These are lightly adapted from a recipe in Paul Young’s book, Adventures in Chocolate, which is, incidentally, a completely and gloriously insane book containing recipes for things like marmite truffles and garlic ganache. Actually, I really need to try the…
Being domestic
I’m afraid my food thoughts aren’t very inspiring this weekend. I’ve been pottering around being domestic and organised, getting things together for the week ahead at work.