Author: Catherine

Recipe: Potato and Kale Enchiladas

By request, another recipe adapted from Veganomicon, and the last I’m going to post this year, for reasons of fair use. Mostly what I changed in this recipe was the chilli sauce, which developed quite a different range of chillis…

Vegan Marshmallow attempt #2

In the immortal words of 1066 And All That, it’s magnificent, but it’s not the railway station.  Which is to say that I did, in fact, succeed in making confectionery this time, and it even tastes good.  I just didn’t…

Domestic pottering, with photos

Just a quiet sort of weekend, which is a nice thing.  It looks like spring out there, but it’s still very much winter in reality, and picnicking inclinations tend to be frozen by the reality of 7°C at lunchtime… Today,…

Learning about vegetables

I’m still working my way through McGee On Food and Cooking. Honestly, this book is a treasure trove.  I’ve ordered my copy and I can’t wait for it to arrive. At the moment, I’m in the vegetables chapter, which is…

Recipe: Tropical Chocolate and Amaranth Cake

This recipe is the unnatural spawn of three different recipes – one in Veganomicon, for a low-fat vegan chocolate cake, one in 366 Delicious Ways To Cook Rice, Beans and Grains (which, incidentally, is an incredibly useful cookbook if you…

Recipe: Roast Garlic and White Bean Chilli

Photographic evidence of Cross-Dressing Ken’s latest cake adventures will be up later this evening, but I just need to get this recipe down before I forget what I did!  This is another vegan chilli recipe, but this time it’s gluten…