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This gallery contains 13 photos →
What is this strange thing that has invaded my kitchen? It rises. It bubbles. It expands so very slowly that at first you don’t realise just how scary it is. Its taste is very nearly indescribable. Sour, yes, but that…
My sourdough starter has arrived! It doesn’t have a name yet, largely because all the names I come up with are things like Herbert or George, and really, sourdough starter is the mother of bread so it ought to be…
I love this cookbook. It’s the cookbook that got me making biscuits, and the cookbook that first convinced me that making my own stock wasn’t that much of a hassle and was worth the time it took. Either this cookbook…
I have put the sourdough starter that arrived today into the icebox (that is to say, the fridge) And I would probably (nay, certainly) rather be playing with dough than working. Forgive me for perpetrating this awful parody…
Am I the only person, I wonder, who, upon coming into possession of (another) cookbook tends to wind up having takeaway or pasta bake for dinner? It happens every time. I look at one gorgeous recipe after another, and want…
I wanted to call this creamy lemony garlicky floral fractal broccoli with pasta, but I thought that might be a tad long. I haven’t cooked or eaten Romanesco Broccoli before, and the recipes I had all seemed to involve cutting…
This is something I basically made up last night, having foolishly let some croissants go stale, and being in need of things to make with that raspberry and lavender butter. It’s related to bread and butter pudding, and I actually…
Wow, how good are cardoons? And how did I not know about them until now? We had a lovely farmers’ market dinner tonight – kipfler potatoes sautéed with garlic and tomato and those lovely peppers and sweet chillis from the…
This gallery contains 9 photos →