I was going to stop with the slices, I truly, truly was, but then someone sent around an email this afternoon saying that she couldn’t bring cake for tomorrow’s Admin meeting, and asking if anyone could fill in for her. …
Author: Catherine
Slice! Which is sort of a review of a cookbook, but mostly about me being obsessed with slice
Recipe for a Baking Frenzy 1. Be seduced by the new Women’s Weekly Little Squares and Slices cookbook when out at lunch on Thursday. Accidentally buy it (this could happen to anyone). 2. Spend quite a lot of Thursday afternoon…
Recipe: Chocolate Crackles for Grownups
I accidentally bought a cookbook on Thursday. It really wasn’t my fault. I was having a very bad day, complete with cramps and a completely wasted lunch break looking (unsuccessfully) for display folder refill sheets, and as I left the…
Recipe: Easy, Yet Awesome, Tangy Lime Guacamole
This barely qualifies as a recipe. It has two ingredients, other than seasonings, and the method could be summed up in a single sentence. Except, this is me, Catherine McWordy, writing this, so we all know that I will rabbit…
Recipe: Overnight Rice Pudding for a Cold Winter’s Morning
By the time I post this, the UEFA Soccer Cup will be over, and we will know whether Italy or Spain has won. I am not, in all probability, going to get up to watch it, even though I did…
Market Post with Higher Than Usual Levels of Madness
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Recipe: Mushroom Risotto, Three Ways
Hello! Have you missed me? I’ve missed you! Unfortunately, I’ve been rather overwhelmed with work and other commitments of late, which is not conducive to creative cooking (though I do make a mean pasta bake in these circumstances. Repeatedly.). Anyway,…
Review, and Kinda-Sorta-Giveaway – Harvest Box
I got this random email a few weeks ago with a special offer from an Australian company called Harvest Box. Harvest Box is a Melbourne-based company who send you nifty little packets of dried fruit and nuts and other healthy…
Farmers’ Market With So Much…
This gallery contains 17 photos →
Chocoholic Walk in Melbourne
I’ve been a bit of an absentee blogger of late, largely due to extreme tiredness, which is not conducive to exciting cooking. One of the reasons for this is probably the Global Corporate Challenge, which I am currently participating in…