Category: admin

Under Construction

Hiya folks. We are moving all the materials from Cate’s Cates here, but it may take us a little time to get all of it here, so we hope you will be patient in the meantime. Thank you.

Blog on Hiatus I have so many things to blog about right now, but have been too busy *doing* them to write about them. And last week, I discovered that I was organising a conference… that will be taking place in four…

Note to email and RSS feed subscribers

As you may have gathered, I’m in the process of moving over to a new domain at .  This means that the addresses for my RSS feed and email subscriptions have changed, and that if you are getting your…

While we are waiting…

So my domain has been transferred (as of midnight two days ago), but the actual data it contains has not, and until I hear back from Hostpapa, I can’t actually transfer it without going page manually by page, because of…

Here goes nothing…

Sorry about the dearth of posts.  I’ve been sick this week, and the best things I’ve cooked have all been the sort of re-invented leftovers that are difficult to blog about (I will endeavour to do so, however). Anyway, this…

The Vegan Recipe Index Page is Live!

Right here. And I am going to BED, for I have much singing to do tomorrow, and staying up to make more recipe indexes would be absolutely crazy. (But first, I think I deserve a slice of gluten-free chocolate and…

Egg-Free Recipe Index Page now live!

Exciting stuff!  At least to me.  The vegan page is coming along nicely (since I can, of course, start with the Egg-Free page and then just remove the recipes which contain unreplaceable dairy), but it’s entirely possible that I will…

Index Update!

Just a quick note to say I’ve updated all my recipe indexes, and added a new page for my Low-Fructose recipes.  I say this with some trepidation, as I have been unable to get a straight answer on which vegetables,…

Gluten-free love!

What with all the gratuitous gluten-free baking I’ve been doing recently, I thought it was time to make an index of all my Gluten-Free Recipes. I’ve been pretty strict in my interpretation of what constitutes a gluten-free recipe; unless the…

Lots of Updates!

I have embarked on the sanity-killing project of re-organising all my recipe indexes on this blog.  As you will see, if you click on the Recipes page above, there are now a lot of sub-pages based on what kind of…