I don’t know if this really counts as a recipe, exactly, but since I’ve been doing a fair bit of gluten-free and fructose-free baking recently, I thought I’d post a couple of my preferred gluten-free flour mixes. In all honesty,…
Category: Basics
Recipe: Mayonnaise with Roasted Garlic, Tarragon, and Hubris
Hello! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Unfortunately, I forgot, when I started this blog in the slow season at work, that there would come a time of year when I would be drowning in a seemingly endless sea of…
Cooking for People Who Don’t Cook – a festival of links and recipes
My friend Commodorified over at Dreamwidth is holding a ‘Cooking for People Who Don’t’ Carnival, with the theme being Food Security. There’s some really amazing stuff there, and I suggest giving it a good look. Since the whole question of…
Recipe: Oma’s Gingerbread
No, I haven’t abandoned this blog! It just turns out that if you take one choir concert, two grant applications and a bunch of grant outcomes, stir in a couple of work events and add an upcoming Shakespeare Feast, you…
Basics that aren’t: Scones
This recipe doesn’t come with pictures, because the first thing you need to know about making scones is that the faster you make them, the better they taste. That means no stopping at every step to take the lens cap…
Easy as boiling an egg
Who came up with that expression, anyway? Whoever they were must have been talking about hard-boiled eggs, which I agree are pretty straightforward. Well, relatively straightforward – hardboiling them is not too tricky, provided you don’t crack the shell by…
Recipe: Flavoured Butters
You all knew, didn’t you, that once I had seen Not Quite Nigella’s post on buttermaking, it would only be a matter of time before I had to start fiddling with it? In fact, by the time I got up…
Basics that aren’t: Béchamel Sauce (and variations)
Ah, béchamel sauce. As I wrote yesterday, it is one of the great culinary classics that dates back at least as far as the kitchens of Antonin Carême and probably further… but it’s also a definitive ingredient in comfort foods…