Category: butter

Recipe: Eurovision Random Fridge Brownies

Tonight is the first Eurovision Semifinal (or rather, it is when they broadcast the first semi-final in Australia), and it is our tradition to watch both semi-finals each year, for the simple reason that so often the true gems don’t…

Recipe: Gluten-Free Sponge Cake

My mother asked me to make a couple of ‘lemony sponge cakes’ for my parents’ 40th wedding anniversary party last Saturday (Happy Anniversary, Mum and Dad!).  I immediately suggested the insane lemon meringue cake that I like to make for…

Recipe: Vanilla and Carob Castle Cake

Hello!  Have you missed me?  I’ve missed you, she says, feelingly, looking at her terrifying list of un-read blog posts.  I’ve got a few posts to catch up on, but I’m still rather exhausted from the confectionery and also from…