Category: coconut

Recipe: Raw Vegan Mini Christmas Puddings!

Hannah over at Wayfaring Chocolate keeps on putting up these fascinating raw vegan truffle recipes.  Today was supposed to be my day for making mince pies (and the day isn’t over yet…), but I thought it might be fun to…

Recipe: Chocolate, Coconut and Raspberry Cupcakes

Today my workplace is holding the Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea, a cancer research fundraiser which is very popular with hungry scientists!  Since I work in a medical research institute looking after a couple of cancer research Divisions, we take this…

Recipe: Chocolate for Breakfast

The official name for this recipe, which comes from Less Meat, More Veg, is ‘Chocolate, Coconut and Raspberry Spread’, but I like to think of it as Chocolate for Breakfast, as that is basically the point.  You can say all…

Recipe: Coconut and Lemon Buttercream

This is a very quick and easy recipe for a lovely, rich, coconut-infused icing that is dairy free and will work on all sorts of citrus or coconut cakes, but particularly on the coconut and lemon cake found in Veganomicon. …