Category: cooking with meat

Recipe: Getting My Goat

This entry was going to be a recipe for goat and cardoon tagine.  I’m still going to include the recipe at the bottom of this post, because Andrew quite liked it, but I really, really didn’t.  Instead I’m going to…

Respect the chicken!

(This is another one of those ‘I’m really not vegetarian’ posts.) I talk a fair bit here about respecting the chicken (or the lamb, or the beef, as the case may be), and being mindful of where meat comes from,…


I always feel faintly guilty writing about meat on this blog.  It’s not that I pretend to be vegetarian or to write a vegetarian blog (though I admit, having this blog is influencing me to make more vegetarian food, because…

Truffles again, and a little gloat

I have cooked my first truffle!  Or rather, I have prepared my first truffle – I didn’t actually cook it.  I shaved thin slices off it for my meal and put the rest of it in a container full of…

Review: Apples for Jam, by Tessa Kiros

I love this cookbook.  It’s the cookbook that got me making biscuits, and the cookbook that first convinced me that making my own stock wasn’t that much of a hassle and was worth the time it took.  Either this cookbook…