Category: cooking with vegetables

Recipe: Balsamic Strawberry Parfait

Strawberries again.  What can I say?  They are still deliciously cheap.  This is one of my favourite desserts.  I like to pretend its healthy, but that’s basically a lie.  I also don’t measure anything anymore, so this is a bit…

Recipe: A Stew for Spring

This is lightly adapted from a recipe in Jack Bishop’s book The Complete Italian Vegetarian.  Mostly, I adapted it by screwing it up.  But you don’t need to do that part.  The rest of the adaptation was a matter of…

Recipe: Not Really Moussaka

So I had this idea about making vegetarian moussaka with some of the leftovers and veggies I had in the house.  And I looked at the Delia vegetarian moussaka, and liked the look of it, so I thought I’d give…

Just some domestic cooking…

I’m feeling very virtuous today, cooking-wise.  I have a big pot of vegetarian chilli simmering, which will be tonight’s dinner as well as being numerous dinners to come.  My freezer has been getting a bit depleted of late, but this…

Recipe: Bulgur Wheat and Mushroom Burgers

I’ve been meaning for a while to post a recipe from Vegetarian Suppers from Deborah Madison’s Kitchen, to go with the review I wrote.  It’s actually very hard to choose just one, but these burgers are are a recipe I…

Recipe: Potato and Kale Enchiladas

By request, another recipe adapted from Veganomicon, and the last I’m going to post this year, for reasons of fair use. Mostly what I changed in this recipe was the chilli sauce, which developed quite a different range of chillis…