Category: cooking with vegetables

Learning about vegetables

I’m still working my way through McGee On Food and Cooking. Honestly, this book is a treasure trove.  I’ve ordered my copy and I can’t wait for it to arrive. At the moment, I’m in the vegetables chapter, which is…

Recipe: Roast Garlic and White Bean Chilli

Photographic evidence of Cross-Dressing Ken’s latest cake adventures will be up later this evening, but I just need to get this recipe down before I forget what I did!  This is another vegan chilli recipe, but this time it’s gluten…

Recipe: Vegetarian Chilli

DON’T FORGET TO SOAK YOUR BEANS! (putting them in to soak before you go to work in the morning is fine) This recipe is adapted from one of the Moosewood Cookbooks – I’m afraid I can’t recall which, as I…

Living dangerously

Here’s the planned menu for tomorrow’s (actually, it’s now today’s) dinner.  It’s vegan, gluten free, and free of a bunch of other bad-tempered fruits, vegetables and fruit-derived products (ie, no wine or vinegar) that make my guests unhappy. I’m taking…

Recipe: Baked Cauliflower

This is a very simple recipe, from a book called Reds, Whites, and Greens, by Faith Willunger.  As you might have gathered from the title, it’s a book of Italian things to do with vegetables.  I’m yet to find a…

Recipe: Beetroot Gnocchi

Back before I started obsessing over sourdough, I reviewed Apples for Jam by Tessa Kiros.  I’ve been wondering which recipe to choose from her book to share with you as an example of her work.  Should I pick the gorgeous…