This recipe comes from my Austrian grandmother, and is basically a really delicious way to use up stale bread. As a child, this was one of my favourite foods – its spicy stodginess reminded me of Christmas pudding, and it…
Category: eggs
Recipe: Almond and Berry Cake for a Big Birthday
We currently have the two radiation guys living on our floor at work, and one of them turned 60 on the weekend. My Divisions are very cake-oriented and we felt it would be terrible – terrible! – if someone living…
Leftovers for Lunch: Risotto cake
The other reason I haven’t been blogging much recently is that my meals have either been fairly mundane or fairly unsuccessful. This does not lend itself to food blogging as well as you might think. One of the less successful…
Recipe: Steph’s Sticky Date Pudding Cupcakes with Caramel Sauce
This is a guest post from Steph, a friend of mine from work. She brought a huge batch of these cupcakes (and more importantly, their sauce) in for her birthday a few weeks ago, and we devoured them in record…
Recipe: Lemon Meringue Sponge Cake
This is the aforementioned six-hour cake. It might take less time if I were truly and reliably competent at either Genoise sponge, meringue, or lemon curd (and actually, these days, I have it down to about five hours, assuming nothing…
Recipe: Date and Pistachio Petits Fours (Mersu)
Inspired by The Silk Road Gourmet’s Mesopotamian Cookoff, I went a little crazy in the kitchen today and made not one, not two, but three versions of Mersu. The sum of the Mersu recipe was “Ingredients: dates and pistachios”. The…
Recipe: Microwave Lemon Curd, with bonus meringue
Just a short post today, because today has been loooong… and it hasn’t even had any cooking in it. Of course, it might have felt less loooong if I hadn’t decided last night that the best solution to ‘where can…
Easy as boiling an egg
Who came up with that expression, anyway? Whoever they were must have been talking about hard-boiled eggs, which I agree are pretty straightforward. Well, relatively straightforward – hardboiling them is not too tricky, provided you don’t crack the shell by…
Recipe: Croissant and raspberry pudding with lavender
This is something I basically made up last night, having foolishly let some croissants go stale, and being in need of things to make with that raspberry and lavender butter. It’s related to bread and butter pudding, and I actually…
Recipe: Pasta Carbonara, my way
My father’s family is from the Basilicata region of Italy, and even after moving to Australia, my Nonna and Nonno would make their own sausage every year. I think one of my great-uncles kept pigs, or maybe just one pig…