Category: everyday cooking

Cooking around allergies

I’m right in the middle of wedding cake cookery right now – the cakes are cooling, and tomorrow I’ll be decorating them.  I may also have a new recipe or two for you tomorrow, if all goes well, as well…

Recipe: New World Stovetop Veggie Feast

So I kind of accidentally got captured by the internet last night and then it was 8pm and I hadn’t really thought about dinner, except that it needed to include corn, and all my cookbooks were useless on the subject,…

Recipe: Omelette for One

Andrew does not like eggs.  It’s a character flaw, I agree, but what can you do?  Well, in my case, you just buy a smaller frying pan and continue on regardless, because sometimes, you just need an omelette and that’s…

Recipe: Crêpes for pancake day

This blog is getting a bit Lent-themed at present, but what do you expect from someone who is involved in three separate church choirs?  Anyway, Pancake Day (also known as Shrove Tuesday) could stand to be celebrated a bit more…

Preparation time…

For the past few years, it has been my personal tradition to go vegetarian for Lent.  This is a slightly odd thing to do, because I am not, in fact, all that sure what I believe, religion-wise.