Category: nut-free

Recipe: Lemon Drink for a hot day

This post was going to be called Lemon Drink for Shakira, only then it turned out I had lost my copy of the recipe, but on the bright side, I actually had given it to Shakira already, and she still…

Recipe: Baked Ricotta

Today is horrendously hot, and the next two days threaten to be worse.  I have therefore spent the afternoon… cooking. No, really, bear with me, it isn’t as mad as it sounds.  Cooking in this weather can only be described…

Recipe: Easy Pasta Dinner

For some strange reason, nobody ever gives me hampers.  Possibly, they have some idea that my house is full of food already and a hamper is the last thing I need.  I can’t imagine where they would get such a…

Recipe: Vanilla and Carob Castle Cake

Hello!  Have you missed me?  I’ve missed you, she says, feelingly, looking at her terrifying list of un-read blog posts.  I’ve got a few posts to catch up on, but I’m still rather exhausted from the confectionery and also from…

Recipe: Easiest Apricot Dessert Ever

Well, second easiest.  The easiest is just eating the apricots. This recipe is so easy it doesn’t even need quantities. What you do is you get a lovely fresh apricot, and slit it open just enough to get the stone…

A foray into the world of business…

Clearly, I don’t have the commercial mind, because I’ve just spent ten minutes drafting and re-drafting the beginning of this post and deleting everything again. So maybe I should just cut to the chase. I’m trying to earn a little…

Recipe: Coburg Garden Cake

Brunswick and Coburg, the suburbs in which I have lived most of my adult life, were both settled from the 1950s onward by working class immigrants from Italy, Greece, Turkey and other parts of the Mediterranean.  The proof of this…

Recipe: Christmas Pudding

I know, I know, it’s November and I’m talking about Christmas.  But a traditional Christmas Pudding should be made well in advance, though mine is a fridge-dweller rather than the kind you hang off the clothes-horse to dry out.  Also,…