Category: Reviews

Review: McGee on Food and Cooking

My copy of McGee on Food and Cooking arrived yesterday. It was, as I had understood, the revised version.  Indeed, it is quite heavily revised, because a lot of things changed in the 20 years between 1984 and 2004.  The…

Eating Out: Little Deer Tracks

So after reading Johanna’s review of the newest vegetarian café in our area, I had to drag Andrew out for brunch on Saturday and give it a try. Oh frabjous day, calloo, callay, we have a new brunch place!  Not…

Eating out: Mrs Parma’s

As you may have gathered, from all the time I spend a) cooking and b) writing about cooking, we don’t eat out much.  But I’ve actually eaten out twice in the last fortnight, both times at the same place. This…