Category: ricotta

Recipe: Baked Ricotta

Today is horrendously hot, and the next two days threaten to be worse.  I have therefore spent the afternoon… cooking. No, really, bear with me, it isn’t as mad as it sounds.  Cooking in this weather can only be described…

Recipe: Orange Me Up (Scotty)!

What do you get when you cross orange salad with tiramisu?  In my case, you get something a lot like a very orangey, boozy, rich, trifle.  Which I choose to call ‘orange me up’, because tiramisu means ‘pick me up’,…

Making Cheese while the Sun Shines

Well, it shone a bit.  Or didn’t actively rain.  Something like that, anyway. Today, I attended a one-day workshop on making feta cheese.  Actually, we made four kinds of cheesestuff – Greek-style feta, gourmet feta, yoghurt and ricotta – and…

Recipe: Ricotta and Herbs

Still feeling too seedy to really be creative, so here’s a really short, easy recipe, inspired by The Complete Italian Vegetarian Cookbook.  This recipe makes me feel a little sad, because right now is absolutely not the season for it…