Category: shameless bragging

In which I am wildly excited…

I’ve just been asked to cater finger food for a wedding! I have no idea whether I can do this or not (and yes, I have told the bride this – further study is definitely required), but it’s very exciting…

Henry VIII!

Somehow, this play feels as though it deserves a bit more thought and commentary than some of the other Shakespeare posts I’ve done.  So, since the lovely Melissa Siah (also known as Gardiner, the Evil Catholic Bishop of Winchester) took…

Show-off post: Wedding Cake!

I did it!  I made a wedding cake that was actually quite elegant.  Moreover, I managed by sheer good luck to match the bride’s dress, which was very pale pink with black lacy overlay.  You will note that my cupcake…

Last-minute wedding cake!

Two of my lovely scientists are getting married next Tuesday.  The wedding is being organised very much at the last minute, because they are heading overseas to visit family and have the baby christened the week after. And I get…

Other People’s Posts

This post feels a bit like a daisy chain, because on the one hand I am pointing you at a post with a recipe I absolutely loved when I made it last week, and on the other hand I am…

Farmers’ Market Dinner…

Tonight’s menu: Sorrel and silverbeet soup, with leeks, carrots, coriander and wild fennel Home made barley bread rolls, with lavender salt on top and smoked garlic butter Rhubarb crumble cake (made with a goose egg!!) Tomorrow’s breakfast: Home made barley…

Just some domestic cooking…

I’m feeling very virtuous today, cooking-wise.  I have a big pot of vegetarian chilli simmering, which will be tonight’s dinner as well as being numerous dinners to come.  My freezer has been getting a bit depleted of late, but this…

Recipe: Lemon Meringue Sponge Cake

This is the aforementioned six-hour cake.  It might take less time if I were truly and reliably competent at either Genoise sponge, meringue, or lemon curd (and actually, these days, I have it down to about five hours, assuming nothing…