Category: side dishes

Recipe: Mildly Courageous Potatoes

(NB: still no idea what’s happening with shifting web-hosting, which is making me reluctant to post much here just now, in case I hit exactly the wrong window and it all gets deleted. Sorry.  I had no idea it would…

Recipe: Drained Yoghurt (Labneh)

I’m not sure you can call something with exactly one ingredient a recipe, per se, but this is a really useful thing to know about, very easy, and a basis for all sorts of yummy things.  This is basically a…

Recipe: Extremely Good Ratatouille

Ratatouille is one of those things that can be really good or really bland, I find.  I got it right this time, so I’m writing down what I did before I forget.  Also, I have to mention just in passing…

Recipe: Pizza Serafina (Sultana pizza)

I work in a Medical Research Institute, and the nature of research is that people travel a lot for their careers.  My current Divisions include scientists and students from France, Germany, Switzerland, Algeria, China, New Zealand, Sweden, The Netherlands, The…

Recipe: Baked Ricotta

Today is horrendously hot, and the next two days threaten to be worse.  I have therefore spent the afternoon… cooking. No, really, bear with me, it isn’t as mad as it sounds.  Cooking in this weather can only be described…

Recipe: Ricotta and Herbs

Still feeling too seedy to really be creative, so here’s a really short, easy recipe, inspired by The Complete Italian Vegetarian Cookbook.  This recipe makes me feel a little sad, because right now is absolutely not the season for it…

Recipe: Baked Cauliflower

This is a very simple recipe, from a book called Reds, Whites, and Greens, by Faith Willunger.  As you might have gathered from the title, it’s a book of Italian things to do with vegetables.  I’m yet to find a…