Category: Special occasions

Recipe: Vanilla and Carob Castle Cake

Hello!  Have you missed me?  I’ve missed you, she says, feelingly, looking at her terrifying list of un-read blog posts.  I’ve got a few posts to catch up on, but I’m still rather exhausted from the confectionery and also from…

Henry VIII!

Somehow, this play feels as though it deserves a bit more thought and commentary than some of the other Shakespeare posts I’ve done.  So, since the lovely Melissa Siah (also known as Gardiner, the Evil Catholic Bishop of Winchester) took…

Another Shakespeare Feast…

We’re doing Henry VIII (which also goes by the highly inaccurate name of ‘All is True’) on Sunday, so it’s time to go hunting for appropriate recipes. (Is it just me, or do recipes disappear out of cookbooks when you…

Recipe: Christmas Pudding

I know, I know, it’s November and I’m talking about Christmas.  But a traditional Christmas Pudding should be made well in advance, though mine is a fridge-dweller rather than the kind you hang off the clothes-horse to dry out.  Also,…

Shakespeare: The Aftermath

There are a lot of posts I need to write.  I need to write the gargantuan photographic post about Pericles (NB: There was definitely enough food.).  I need to write about going to the market and finally – finally! –…

Show-off post: Wedding Cake!

I did it!  I made a wedding cake that was actually quite elegant.  Moreover, I managed by sheer good luck to match the bride’s dress, which was very pale pink with black lacy overlay.  You will note that my cupcake…