Category: tomatoes

Recipe: Mildly Courageous Potatoes

(NB: still no idea what’s happening with shifting web-hosting, which is making me reluctant to post much here just now, in case I hit exactly the wrong window and it all gets deleted. Sorry.  I had no idea it would…

Recipe: New World Stovetop Veggie Feast

So I kind of accidentally got captured by the internet last night and then it was 8pm and I hadn’t really thought about dinner, except that it needed to include corn, and all my cookbooks were useless on the subject,…

Recipe: Extremely Good Ratatouille

Ratatouille is one of those things that can be really good or really bland, I find.  I got it right this time, so I’m writing down what I did before I forget.  Also, I have to mention just in passing…

Recipe: Easy Pasta Dinner

For some strange reason, nobody ever gives me hampers.  Possibly, they have some idea that my house is full of food already and a hamper is the last thing I need.  I can’t imagine where they would get such a…

Recipe: A Stew for Spring

This is lightly adapted from a recipe in Jack Bishop’s book The Complete Italian Vegetarian.  Mostly, I adapted it by screwing it up.  But you don’t need to do that part.  The rest of the adaptation was a matter of…

Recipe: Not Really Moussaka

So I had this idea about making vegetarian moussaka with some of the leftovers and veggies I had in the house.  And I looked at the Delia vegetarian moussaka, and liked the look of it, so I thought I’d give…

Recipe: Bean and Pepper Tacos

This is one of my standbys when I’m tired and feeling unimaginative.  It was especially fabulous when I gave up meat for Lent this year, and promptly regretted it because I couldn’t cope with long work days and then being…