This is something I basically made up last night, having foolishly let some croissants go stale, and being in need of things to make with that raspberry and lavender butter. It’s related to bread and butter pudding, and I actually…
Category: Uncategorized
Wow, how good are cardoons? And how did I not know about them until now? We had a lovely farmers’ market dinner tonight – kipfler potatoes sautéed with garlic and tomato and those lovely peppers and sweet chillis from the…
Review: Roman Cookery – Ancient Recipes for Modern Kitchens, by Mark Grant
Let’s face it – no cookbook collection can possibly considered complete until you have good recipes for baked flamingoes, lark’s tongues, and stuffed dormice. What modern kitchen is without such vital and everyday ingredients? Having said that, this cookbook will…
Recipe: Chocolate, Coconut and Raspberry Cupcakes
Today my workplace is holding the Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea, a cancer research fundraiser which is very popular with hungry scientists! Since I work in a medical research institute looking after a couple of cancer research Divisions, we take this…
Show-off post: Eurovision Party Cake
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