Category: vegetarian

Recipe: Crêpes for pancake day

This blog is getting a bit Lent-themed at present, but what do you expect from someone who is involved in three separate church choirs?  Anyway, Pancake Day (also known as Shrove Tuesday) could stand to be celebrated a bit more…

Recipe: Drained Yoghurt (Labneh)

I’m not sure you can call something with exactly one ingredient a recipe, per se, but this is a really useful thing to know about, very easy, and a basis for all sorts of yummy things.  This is basically a…

Recipe: Extremely Good Ratatouille

Ratatouille is one of those things that can be really good or really bland, I find.  I got it right this time, so I’m writing down what I did before I forget.  Also, I have to mention just in passing…

Recipe: Pizza Serafina (Sultana pizza)

I work in a Medical Research Institute, and the nature of research is that people travel a lot for their careers.  My current Divisions include scientists and students from France, Germany, Switzerland, Algeria, China, New Zealand, Sweden, The Netherlands, The…

Recipe: Vanilla Poached Stone-Fruit

The lights are going out all over the internet, and this blog will be down for twelve hours from midnight local time in support of the SOPA blackout.  But before we all resign ourselves to an internet-free world (and how…

Recipe: Lemon Drink for a hot day

This post was going to be called Lemon Drink for Shakira, only then it turned out I had lost my copy of the recipe, but on the bright side, I actually had given it to Shakira already, and she still…