Category: Writing about cooking

Showing the working out…

This is mostly notes for my own nefarious, wedding-cake-making purposes, so I’m going to put most of it under a cut.  But if you enjoy reading the convoluted workings of my brain when trying to calculate food and allergy things,…

Best recipe instruction ever…

This is a quick, promissory post, because I have been out basically all weekend with singing and visiting people, except for last night, when I was at home and might theoretically have been productive if I hadn’t had a very…

Pressure Cooker!

OK, it’s official – I love my pressure cooker. What pressure cooker?  I hear you ask.. That would be the one I bought because I really wanted a slow cooker and thought one which had a pressure cooker option might…

Reader, I bought it.

The multi-function pressure cooker / slow cooker / rice cooker / electric saucepan / steamer thingie, that is.  Well, it’s on order, anyway.  I’m already dreaming about things I could cook with it (I wish that wasn’t literally true, and…

Magnetic and genetic properties of chocolate

My office has started spontaneously generating chocolate. It’s not that I don’t bring in my fair share of both chocolate and baked goodies, but the chocolates are definitely taking on a life of their own.  The Divisional Chocolate drawer now…

Just a quick link

I’m hoping to do a more entertaining post later today, but in the meantime, I strongly recommend you all go and read this post by Not Quite Nigella about Food Banks and waste in the food industry. Here’s a little…

Rainy Day Food

We broke our Lenten fast yesterday with a feast of roast lamb for Easter, so today – and probably the next few days, really – is about leftovers, and the first of the leftovers is stock made from the lamb…