Category: Writing about cooking

Cooking around allergies

I’m right in the middle of wedding cake cookery right now – the cakes are cooling, and tomorrow I’ll be decorating them.  I may also have a new recipe or two for you tomorrow, if all goes well, as well…

Wedding cake planning

I’m making a wedding cake for two of my colleagues on Thursday.  Well, on Wednesday and Thursday, really, though Wednesday is just the baking phase and shouldn’t be too tricky.  I’ve been asked for a chocolate and raspberry cake, a…

Preparation time…

For the past few years, it has been my personal tradition to go vegetarian for Lent.  This is a slightly odd thing to do, because I am not, in fact, all that sure what I believe, religion-wise. 

Coriolanus Cookery – thinking out loud

I’m trying to figure out my menu for Sunday’s Shakespeare, and finding it unusually difficult (it doesn’t help that I’m a bit under the weather this week.  I actually have a really impressively revolting Shakespearean euphemism for my current condition,…

Planning and Pizza

I was hoping to write more here while I was on holidays, but the combination of my usual December activities, plus confectionery, plus the funeral, all followed up with several days of drainingly hot weather have left me more exhausted…


Someone from work has been trimming his or her rosemary bushes again, so I’ve snagged another gorgeous branch of rosemary for my culinary needs.  (The things I suffer…) I’m pretty well set for the next week of dinners, and I…

Menu plan for a busy week…

This week is likely to be a quiet one on my blog.  We have a big choir concert approaching next Sunday, and two major grants going on at work, which adds up to a fairly high level of insanity and…