Quiet New Year’s Eve…?

I wasn’t *having* a New Year’s Eve Party this year, on the grounds of exhaustion and really evil hormones.

So why is it that I have somehow spent today making chocolate ice-cream and marshmallows and honeycomb and meringues and spiced praline almonds and raspberry sauce and caramel sauce…?

(but nobody else was holding a party, and it seemed wrong just to sit at home by ourselves…)

Apparently, the absolute minimum amount of food when we have invited two guests around for New Year’s Eve desserts is three kinds of ice-cream, plus every imaginable topping or mix-in (we also have sprinkles and glacé cherries and waffle baskets, not to mention pectin jellies, oh yes – it’s a veritable ice-cream parlour around here I tell you), and fresh fruit and panettone, because these are also compulsory for a hot New Year’s Eve.  And now it looks like we’re having about six people around, actually…

But absolutely no more!  None!

(why do I suspect I’ll be visiting people handing out sweets for the next week?)

Honestly, I just planned to have ice-cream and pannetone and fruit and maybe a topping or two.  I think things got out of hand.

Anyway, whether your New Year’s Eve is at home or abroad, quiet or raucous, optimistic or melancholy, I hope it is a good one, and I wish you, O my readers, all the very best for the year to come.

Much love,


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