So very tired this evening – I’ve got all my photos onto the computer, but given my current, somewhat incoherent, state, I’m not even going to attempt a proper write-up now. Just as a little tease, though, here’s my menu…
Author: Catherine
Recipe: Rocky Road for Timon
I’m in mad cooking mode for Shakespeare tomorrow. At this very moment, something that I hope will turn into Turkish Delight is glooping away, jellyfish-like, in a saucepan, so imagine, if you will, that this post is punctuated by mad…
Recipe: Decadent Eggless Strawberry Mousse Tart
Still drowning in grants, but the last of this lot is due on Thursday, after which I will be able to *sleep*, hopefully without dreaming about grant applications. It was Andrew’s birthday recently, and we had his family around for…
Farmers Market: Cooling Down
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Recipe: Omelette for One
Andrew does not like eggs. It’s a character flaw, I agree, but what can you do? Well, in my case, you just buy a smaller frying pan and continue on regardless, because sometimes, you just need an omelette and that’s…
Why Indian Cooking is Not Friendly to Catherines
…Aside from the fact that I am not good at it, and therefore it takes me ages, and we wind up having dinner at quarter to ten on a Sunday night, quoth she, hungrily. It’s two things, really. Well, three,…
Not dead!
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Recipe: Provençal Vegetable Soup with Pistou
This recipe is adapted very slightly from a recipe in The Mediterranean Vegan Kitchen, a book that I highly recommend if you want to cook authentic mediterranean dishes that just happen to be vegan. Most of these dishes come into…
Recipe: Crêpes for pancake day
This blog is getting a bit Lent-themed at present, but what do you expect from someone who is involved in three separate church choirs? Anyway, Pancake Day (also known as Shrove Tuesday) could stand to be celebrated a bit more…
Recipe: Mayonnaise with Roasted Garlic, Tarragon, and Hubris
Hello! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Unfortunately, I forgot, when I started this blog in the slow season at work, that there would come a time of year when I would be drowning in a seemingly endless sea of…