Author: Catherine

Shakespeare: The Aftermath

There are a lot of posts I need to write.  I need to write the gargantuan photographic post about Pericles (NB: There was definitely enough food.).  I need to write about going to the market and finally – finally! –…

Shakespeare Cooking: Pericles!

We’re doing Pericles tomorrow, which is basically Shakespeare’s Ancient World Road Trip play, complete with Deus Ex Machina, riddles about incest (and really, you’d think that any self-respecting Evil Overlord would realise that if you are sleeping with your daughter,…

Recipe: Apricot and Orange Sweetmeats

We’re doing Pericles tomorrow, which means I am cooking like a maniac to prepare a middle-eastern themed feast, and my head is full of lists of things to make, things to decorate, things that need to be set out, things…

Recipe: Oma’s Gingerbread

No, I haven’t abandoned this blog!  It just turns out that if you take one choir concert, two grant applications and a bunch of grant outcomes, stir in a couple of work events and add an upcoming Shakespeare Feast, you…

Recipe: Vegan Dream Cookies

My alarm went off on Sunday morning just as I was in the middle of dictating a recipe for vegan choc-chip cookies to my Italian cousin Rosangela, whom I haven’t seen for nearly 30 years, and who, moreover, lives in…

Menu plan for a busy week…

This week is likely to be a quiet one on my blog.  We have a big choir concert approaching next Sunday, and two major grants going on at work, which adds up to a fairly high level of insanity and…

Recipe: Balsamic Strawberry Parfait

Strawberries again.  What can I say?  They are still deliciously cheap.  This is one of my favourite desserts.  I like to pretend its healthy, but that’s basically a lie.  I also don’t measure anything anymore, so this is a bit…