I think I may have to start a section of this journal for recipes that aren’t proper recipes but which people ask me for. You know, for recipes like pasta bolognese or fruit crumble, which are a handful of this,…
Author: Catherine
The Australian Women’s Weekly Children’s Birthday Cake Book – An Illustrated and Nostalgic Review

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Recipe: Date and Pistachio Petits Fours (Mersu)
Inspired by The Silk Road Gourmet’s Mesopotamian Cookoff, I went a little crazy in the kitchen today and made not one, not two, but three versions of Mersu. The sum of the Mersu recipe was “Ingredients: dates and pistachios”. The…
On a date with ancient ingredients: in which Catherine is clearly nuts
Yes, I know that’s a terrible, terrible blog title. I’m afraid I have no self-control when it comes to puns. Anyway, my very brilliant friend A alerted me to the Ancient Mesopotamia Cookoff Challenge. And rightly so, because trying to…
I *have* to do this…
I’ve been trying not to go on and on and on about MasterChef Australia on this blog, partly because I think one has to be very, very good to make talking about reality TV entertaining, and I’m not that good,…
Review: McGee on Food and Cooking
My copy of McGee on Food and Cooking arrived yesterday. It was, as I had understood, the revised version. Indeed, it is quite heavily revised, because a lot of things changed in the 20 years between 1984 and 2004. The…
Eating Out: Little Deer Tracks
So after reading Johanna’s review of the newest vegetarian café in our area, I had to drag Andrew out for brunch on Saturday and give it a try. Oh frabjous day, calloo, callay, we have a new brunch place! Not…
Recipe: Blood orange curd cheesecake with raspberries
This recipe started as a Women’s Weekly recipe for Lemon Curd Cheesecake. However, by the time I actually got to serving this recipe, I think it only had three ingredients in common with the original – eggs, butter and cream…
Farmers’ Market in Winter-pretending-to-be-Spring

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Living the high life – Miss Marple’s Tea Room
I was going to write about insanely chocolatey biscuits, but on making them last night, I discovered that it is, actually, possible to make something too chocolatey. My eyes were kind of bugging out. Also, the recipe needs work –…