Author: Catherine

Recipe: Onion Soup for a Sick Day

The Christopher Robinish breakfast didn’t work, so  it’s time to resort to my ultimate virus-fighting weapon: onion soup.  What what could be stronger, heartier, or more pungent? No virus would dare colonise a body with this many allicins in it,…

Easy as boiling an egg

Who came up with that expression, anyway?  Whoever they were must have been talking about hard-boiled eggs, which I agree are pretty straightforward.  Well, relatively straightforward – hardboiling them is not too tricky, provided you don’t crack the shell by…

Oranges, addendum

I gave up and added pectin, because I want to go to bed at a reasonable hour tonight, and I didn’t trust it not to spontaneously become toffee instead of jam. And then I had to strain my syrup through…

Recipe: Five-spice Gingernuts

I made this recipe up because the recipe I had for five-spice ginger biscuits required overnight standing and I wanted biscuits *now*.  So I got a gingernut recipe from the Women’s Weekly and played havoc with it, and the results…

Recipe: Baked Cauliflower

This is a very simple recipe, from a book called Reds, Whites, and Greens, by Faith Willunger.  As you might have gathered from the title, it’s a book of Italian things to do with vegetables.  I’m yet to find a…