It’s bitterly cold in Melbourne at the moment. We don’t usually get seriously cold here in June (and I’m sure you Europeans and Americans reading this would laugh at my definition of seriously cold, since it doesn’t involve snow, or…
Author: Catherine
Recipe: Chicken in a Pot with Artichoke and Aioli
This recipe fills me with delight. Really, the reason I bought a slow cooker was to be able to have something cooking all afternoon that would make the house smell wonderful. Well, I had to go out to the shops…
Farmers’ Market – Fractals and Monochrome!
This gallery contains 24 photos →
Pressure Cooker!
OK, it’s official – I love my pressure cooker. What pressure cooker? I hear you ask.. That would be the one I bought because I really wanted a slow cooker and thought one which had a pressure cooker option might…
Recipe: Unnaturally Blue Curaçao Tart for Eurovision
Well, that was really rather a satisfactory Eurovision. I actually liked Sweden quite a bit, and while I still feel that Turkey and Iceland were robbed, there was a very pleasing mix of the truly bizarre (moonwalking bagpipe players?) with…
Recipe: Eurovision Random Fridge Brownies
Tonight is the first Eurovision Semifinal (or rather, it is when they broadcast the first semi-final in Australia), and it is our tradition to watch both semi-finals each year, for the simple reason that so often the true gems don’t…
Recipe: Friendly Raspberry, Coconut and Lemon Marble Cakes
Tomorrow, my workplace is hosting Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea, a fundraiser for the Cancer Council. Since a lot of my postdocs and PhD students are supported by the Cancer Council in one way or another (and because we are all…
Recipe: Linzer Torte, Traditional and Sydney Road Style
Mothers’ Day has never been something we’ve really celebrated in our family (Mum just wasn’t into it. Maybe because I would have quite liked to do breakfast in bed when I was little, and she feared what I would do…
Reader, I bought it.
The multi-function pressure cooker / slow cooker / rice cooker / electric saucepan / steamer thingie, that is. Well, it’s on order, anyway. I’m already dreaming about things I could cook with it (I wish that wasn’t literally true, and…
Slow cooker, pressure cooker, other cookers…?
Kitchenware Direct is trying to make me buy kitchen gadgets. It’s being quite blatant about it, actually. I’m immune to the allure of roasting tins – I have quite a nice one, thank you – and while I adore Le…