Category: cakes

Recipe: Gluten-Free Sponge Cake

My mother asked me to make a couple of ‘lemony sponge cakes’ for my parents’ 40th wedding anniversary party last Saturday (Happy Anniversary, Mum and Dad!).  I immediately suggested the insane lemon meringue cake that I like to make for…

Recipe: Fresh Ginger Cake (Vegan!)

(First post on my new computer, finding new programs and functionalities as I go… let’s hope for the best…) We had friends to dinner tonight, and I thought it would be nice to make David Lebovitz’s fresh ginger cake and…

Recipe: Baklava

I promise there will be a Timon post in the next day or two, but I’m still rather bushed from the last few weeks, and photo posts always take me hours, so you will just have to make do with…