Category: confectionery

Recipe: Nearly Raw Truffles of Two Kinds!

Between work, singing and this allegedly-healthy global walking challenge, I seem to be in a constant state of exhaustion at present, which is not conducive to blog posts.  It doesn’t help that I’m so tired I’m actually following recipes at…

Recipe: Rocky Road for Timon

I’m in mad cooking mode for Shakespeare tomorrow. At this very moment, something that I hope will turn into Turkish Delight is glooping away, jellyfish-like, in a saucepan, so imagine, if you will, that this post is punctuated by mad…


Good grief.  And here I was thinking that nobody would actually spend $10 to get 12 pectin jellies, no matter how delicious.  Ha.  Between you lot and my work colleagues, I’m inundated already.  I asked for expressions of interest and…

A foray into the world of business…

Clearly, I don’t have the commercial mind, because I’ve just spent ten minutes drafting and re-drafting the beginning of this post and deleting everything again. So maybe I should just cut to the chase. I’m trying to earn a little…

Recipe: Apricot and Orange Sweetmeats

We’re doing Pericles tomorrow, which means I am cooking like a maniac to prepare a middle-eastern themed feast, and my head is full of lists of things to make, things to decorate, things that need to be set out, things…

Recipe: Garlic Fudge

Many years ago, I purchased a cookbook called Garlic, Garlic, Garlic!.  I purchased it pretty much for the sake of one recipe, garlic fudge.  I figured that garlic fudge was not a recipe I was going to find anywhere else,…

I *have* to do this…

I’ve been trying not to go on and on and on about MasterChef Australia on this blog, partly because I think one has to be very, very good to make talking about reality TV entertaining, and I’m not that good,…