Category: everyday cooking

Recipe: Rosy Berries with Mascarpone and Yoghurt

Apparently, raspberries, blackberries and roses are all part of the same botanical family.  You can sort of tell, if you are paying attention – they bicker over who started it, embarrass each other in front of boyfriends by loudly anticipating…

Organisational Cooking

Those of you who read this journal on a regular basis may have noticed that I am rather fond of cooking.  And of course I am. What I am less fond of, I must confess, is the boring days when…

Recipe: Oma’s Gingerbread

No, I haven’t abandoned this blog!  It just turns out that if you take one choir concert, two grant applications and a bunch of grant outcomes, stir in a couple of work events and add an upcoming Shakespeare Feast, you…

Recipe: Bread Pudding

This recipe comes from my Austrian grandmother, and is basically a really delicious way to use up stale bread.  As a child, this was one of my favourite foods – its spicy stodginess reminded me of Christmas pudding, and it…

Recipe: Apple and Berry Crumble

This is my favourite weeknight dessert.  It’s hot and fruity and tastes healthy and the leftovers are lovely for breakfast.  And it makes heaps, which means you have breakfast for *days* afterwards.  It’s not really a standard crumble recipe –…

Leftovers for Lunch: Risotto cake

The other reason I haven’t been blogging much recently is that my meals have either been fairly mundane or fairly unsuccessful.  This does not lend itself to food blogging as well as you might think.  One of the less successful…