Category: low fructose

Recipe: Fruity Macarons

I seem to be on a roll with gluten-free recipes at present.  I’m not sure why that is, but there you have it. I’m going to start by acknowledging that these macarons lack something in looks.  One might say they…

Recipe: Gluten-Free Sponge Cake

My mother asked me to make a couple of ‘lemony sponge cakes’ for my parents’ 40th wedding anniversary party last Saturday (Happy Anniversary, Mum and Dad!).  I immediately suggested the insane lemon meringue cake that I like to make for…

Recipe: Fresh Ginger Cake (Vegan!)

(First post on my new computer, finding new programs and functionalities as I go… let’s hope for the best…) We had friends to dinner tonight, and I thought it would be nice to make David Lebovitz’s fresh ginger cake and…

Recipe: Rocky Road for Timon

I’m in mad cooking mode for Shakespeare tomorrow. At this very moment, something that I hope will turn into Turkish Delight is glooping away, jellyfish-like, in a saucepan, so imagine, if you will, that this post is punctuated by mad…

Recipe: Omelette for One

Andrew does not like eggs.  It’s a character flaw, I agree, but what can you do?  Well, in my case, you just buy a smaller frying pan and continue on regardless, because sometimes, you just need an omelette and that’s…