Category: Middle-Eastern

Recipe: Perfumed Blood Orange and Cardamom Cake

Tonight was our regular fortnightly dinner party with friends who live down the road, and really should have been an excellent excuse to practice wedding cakes.  The trouble is, I am currently fighting a psychological battle on the subject of…

Recipe: Getting My Goat

This entry was going to be a recipe for goat and cardoon tagine.  I’m still going to include the recipe at the bottom of this post, because Andrew quite liked it, but I really, really didn’t.  Instead I’m going to…

Recipe: Baklava

I promise there will be a Timon post in the next day or two, but I’m still rather bushed from the last few weeks, and photo posts always take me hours, so you will just have to make do with…

Recipe: Drained Yoghurt (Labneh)

I’m not sure you can call something with exactly one ingredient a recipe, per se, but this is a really useful thing to know about, very easy, and a basis for all sorts of yummy things.  This is basically a…

Recipe: Pistachio and Cardamom Kourabiedes

I intended to go to the Food Bloggers’ picnic in Melbourne today, but just couldn’t drag myself out of bed again today.  And then I spent the day alternating between lurching, zombie-like around the house, and feverishly baking because I…

Recipe: Apricot and Orange Sweetmeats

We’re doing Pericles tomorrow, which means I am cooking like a maniac to prepare a middle-eastern themed feast, and my head is full of lists of things to make, things to decorate, things that need to be set out, things…

Recipe: Lemon Drink with Orange Flower Water

This is based on the recipe from Abla’s Lebanese Kitchen (speaking of Lebanese restaurants which I really must visit), but it’s inspired by the amazing lemon drink we had at Sabas on Saturday.  It’s quite quick to make, and an…

Eating out: Sabas Lebanese Restaurant

We met up with Andrew’s parents for lunch today.  They live in Glen Waverley, which is not terribly close to Coburg, and given Andrew’s current homework load, and my current tiredness load, I suggested meeting somewhere between the two suburbs…