Category: nut-free

Recipe: Fresh Ginger Cake (Vegan!)

(First post on my new computer, finding new programs and functionalities as I go… let’s hope for the best…) We had friends to dinner tonight, and I thought it would be nice to make David Lebovitz’s fresh ginger cake and…

Cooking around allergies

I’m right in the middle of wedding cake cookery right now – the cakes are cooling, and tomorrow I’ll be decorating them.  I may also have a new recipe or two for you tomorrow, if all goes well, as well…

Recipe: New World Stovetop Veggie Feast

So I kind of accidentally got captured by the internet last night and then it was 8pm and I hadn’t really thought about dinner, except that it needed to include corn, and all my cookbooks were useless on the subject,…

Recipe: Rocky Road for Timon

I’m in mad cooking mode for Shakespeare tomorrow. At this very moment, something that I hope will turn into Turkish Delight is glooping away, jellyfish-like, in a saucepan, so imagine, if you will, that this post is punctuated by mad…

Recipe: Omelette for One

Andrew does not like eggs.  It’s a character flaw, I agree, but what can you do?  Well, in my case, you just buy a smaller frying pan and continue on regardless, because sometimes, you just need an omelette and that’s…