We’re doing Pericles tomorrow, which means I am cooking like a maniac to prepare a middle-eastern themed feast, and my head is full of lists of things to make, things to decorate, things that need to be set out, things…
Category: Recipes
Recipe: Oma’s Gingerbread
No, I haven’t abandoned this blog! It just turns out that if you take one choir concert, two grant applications and a bunch of grant outcomes, stir in a couple of work events and add an upcoming Shakespeare Feast, you…
Recipe: Vegan Dream Cookies
My alarm went off on Sunday morning just as I was in the middle of dictating a recipe for vegan choc-chip cookies to my Italian cousin Rosangela, whom I haven’t seen for nearly 30 years, and who, moreover, lives in…
Leftovers for Lunch: Risotto cake
The other reason I haven’t been blogging much recently is that my meals have either been fairly mundane or fairly unsuccessful. This does not lend itself to food blogging as well as you might think. One of the less successful…
Recipe: Macaroni Cheese with chipotle pepper, leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables
Ah, cheesy pasta bake. The best comfort food in the world, not least because you can put practically anything in it successfully. Pasta bakes are my go-to dish when I have a lot of random vegetables in the fridge and…
Recipe: Anzac-y biscuits for (nearly) everyone
I have this friend who is very tricky to cook for, because she and her family between them are allergic to everything. Well, perhaps not everything, but it’s certainly true to say that cooking for her involves avoiding all the…
Recipe: Orange Me Up (Scotty)!
What do you get when you cross orange salad with tiramisu? In my case, you get something a lot like a very orangey, boozy, rich, trifle. Which I choose to call ‘orange me up’, because tiramisu means ‘pick me up’,…
Recipe: Lemon Drink with Orange Flower Water
This is based on the recipe from Abla’s Lebanese Kitchen (speaking of Lebanese restaurants which I really must visit), but it’s inspired by the amazing lemon drink we had at Sabas on Saturday. It’s quite quick to make, and an…
Recipe: Not Really Moussaka
So I had this idea about making vegetarian moussaka with some of the leftovers and veggies I had in the house. And I looked at the Delia vegetarian moussaka, and liked the look of it, so I thought I’d give…
Recipe: Steph’s Sticky Date Pudding Cupcakes with Caramel Sauce
This is a guest post from Steph, a friend of mine from work. She brought a huge batch of these cupcakes (and more importantly, their sauce) in for her birthday a few weeks ago, and we devoured them in record…