Category: shameless bragging

Slow Cooker Gloat

I was going to call this post ‘Quick Slow Cooker Gloat’, but that seemed a little open to confusion.  Tempting, though. Is there anything more conducive to a feeling of smug virtue and general comfort and satisfaction than the knowledge…

Cake Preview

Just a short post tonight, because I have indeed baked wedding cakes with some success but also, apparently, at the price of a migraine and some serious wobbliness, so it’s an early night for me.

A little bit of a brag…

There is a market post in the works, mostly speculating on why on earth it suddenly seems to be autumn in the marketplace – seriously, pumpkins, venison, kale, more pumpkins, carrots, pumpkins again, mushrooms – hasn’t Melbourne noticed that spring…

Timon: Quick foodie preview

So very tired this evening – I’ve got all my photos onto the computer, but given my current, somewhat incoherent, state, I’m not even going to attempt a proper write-up now. Just as a little tease, though, here’s my menu…