Category: treacle

Recipe: Fresh Ginger Cake (Vegan!)

(First post on my new computer, finding new programs and functionalities as I go… let’s hope for the best…) We had friends to dinner tonight, and I thought it would be nice to make David Lebovitz’s fresh ginger cake and…

Recipe: Oma’s Gingerbread

No, I haven’t abandoned this blog!  It just turns out that if you take one choir concert, two grant applications and a bunch of grant outcomes, stir in a couple of work events and add an upcoming Shakespeare Feast, you…

Recipe: Five-spice Gingernuts

I made this recipe up because the recipe I had for five-spice ginger biscuits required overnight standing and I wanted biscuits *now*.  So I got a gingernut recipe from the Women’s Weekly and played havoc with it, and the results…