Category: vegan

Recipe: Chocolate, Coconut and Raspberry Cupcakes

Today my workplace is holding the Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea, a cancer research fundraiser which is very popular with hungry scientists!  Since I work in a medical research institute looking after a couple of cancer research Divisions, we take this…

Recipe: Chocolate for Breakfast

The official name for this recipe, which comes from Less Meat, More Veg, is ‘Chocolate, Coconut and Raspberry Spread’, but I like to think of it as Chocolate for Breakfast, as that is basically the point.  You can say all…

Recipe: Three Roasted Vegetable Soups

Three recipes in one post today, because it’s the same (very easy!) method, but with markedly different flavours.  I’ve given recipes for a very simple but delicious pumpkin soup, a subtly perfumed beetroot soup and a creamy Jerusalem artichoke soup,…

Recipe: Coconut and Lemon Buttercream

This is a very quick and easy recipe for a lovely, rich, coconut-infused icing that is dairy free and will work on all sorts of citrus or coconut cakes, but particularly on the coconut and lemon cake found in Veganomicon. …