Recipe Index!

If you look up at the top of this blog, you will notice that there is another page available called Recipe Index.  I’m toying with the idea of a Review Index as well, for my cookbook and other reviews.

And now you know how I spent my evening…

Incidentally, a happy Bastille Day to you!  You might think that this has nothing to do with a food blog, but actually the rising price of bread was a key factor that led to the Revolution, so in fact everything really is all about food, including history.  That’s my theory, anyway.  I am sadly lacking in French recipes to post about, so I shall instead celebrate things French by pointing you at a truly luscious french cooking blog that always succeeds in making me hungry.  The writer lives in Australia, and there is an English version, but today of all days is a good time to see how much French you can remember from school, and give the French version of the site a try.  And one day very soon I will make her croissant recipe.

Also, Bastille Day would not be complete for me without watching this video many, many times:


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