Recipe: Chocolate for Breakfast

The official name for this recipe, which comes from Less Meat, More Veg, is ‘Chocolate, Coconut and Raspberry Spread’, but I like to think of it as Chocolate for Breakfast, as that is basically the point.  You can say all you like that it has 1 serve of fruit in it, but that’s basically irrelevant – the real point of this recipe is that you get to have chocolate for breakfast, just like I’m doing right now.

Incidentally, I really did want to share a nice, healthy recipe from the above book, and I may later – there are plenty to choose from.  But I just couldn’t go past this one.

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100g fresh or frozen raspberries
125ml coconut milk
200g dark chocolate, preferably 70% cocoa solids

Now what do I do with it?

Smash up the raspberries with a fork until they are a purée.  Break the chocolate up, and melt very gently with the coconut milk.  You can do this in a bain marie or a microwave, or you can live dangerously like me and do it directly over very low heat, stirring like mad.  Just be aware that this can be a very successful way to burn chocolate.

When the chocolate is melted, mix into the raspberries.  Leave to cool, then eat, spread on bread or anything else you like.  If you eat a quarter of this mixture for breakfast along with bread and a bowl of fruit, this is apparently 2 serves of fruit for the day.  However, even I find it hard to contemplate eating a quarter of this mixture in one sitting – it’s marvellous, but very rich.  Perhaps De Thamples had a somewhat less chocolatey chocolate in mind?

This would also make a wonderful vegan chocolate fudgey frosting for a cake.  Or you could eat it straight from the bowl.  Though perhaps not for breakfast…

And Nutella? Eat your heart out.  This is so much better.

6 comments for “Recipe: Chocolate for Breakfast”

Colline | May 22, 2011 at 8:46 am

or over some homemade ice-cream?

Catherine | May 22, 2011 at 1:05 pm

Couldn’t possibly be a bad thing! I’d probably use it warm over icecream, though – it’s pretty thick once you get it to room temperature.

Gillian (Reynardo) | May 22, 2011 at 1:15 pm

Do please point me to vegan non-dairy *nice* chocolate – am willing to pay quite a bit for it.

Catherine | May 22, 2011 at 1:22 pm

I believe Lindt 70% falls into this category – Green and Blacks never does, but Cocolo is good, if I recall correctly. Sweet William is horrible, so stay away from it. Loving Earth does a very nice raw chocolate that is dairy free, but you couldn’t really use it in a cooked recipe, I think. Oxfam definitely has a dark chocolate that is vegan and fair trade too, so that’s probably my favourite (but check, because they have two kinds of dark chocolate, and one contains dairy).

Basically, read the back of the packet; some dark chocolates contain dairy, others say that they *might* contain traces of dairy, and others are certified dairy free. Depends how strict you are.

Carey | March 18, 2015 at 3:41 am

Try Divine, available from Oxfam and online and other shops too. Fair Trade and vegan, though they also do milk chocolate. Very good chocolate, the Rasberry one is my personal favourite!

Carey | March 18, 2015 at 3:43 am

PS: Divine also do really nice Cocoa powder!

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