Author: Catherine

Recipe: Pistachio and Cardamom Kourabiedes

I intended to go to the Food Bloggers’ picnic in Melbourne today, but just couldn’t drag myself out of bed again today.  And then I spent the day alternating between lurching, zombie-like around the house, and feverishly baking because I…

Recipe: Rosy Berries with Mascarpone and Yoghurt

Apparently, raspberries, blackberries and roses are all part of the same botanical family.  You can sort of tell, if you are paying attention – they bicker over who started it, embarrass each other in front of boyfriends by loudly anticipating…

Recipe: Chocolate and Raspberry Truffle Cake

I know, I know, it’s chocolate and raspberries again.  I have no imagination.  But it’s such a delicious flavour combination!  This cake was made on the rather flimsy excuse of the recent Rugby World Cup.  We had a tipping competition,…

Organisational Cooking

Those of you who read this journal on a regular basis may have noticed that I am rather fond of cooking.  And of course I am. What I am less fond of, I must confess, is the boring days when…

Grandiose Gardening Plans

Another week with very little blogging, this time because I’ve barely been home – since last Sunday, I’ve either had dinner guests or been out myself every single evening (including this evening, in fact – yay, paid singing gig!), and…


Remember that evil jelly from Pericles?  And how I planned to have it with berries and cream and meringues for dessert when we had people to dinner the next day? Well, I did.  And it was fabulous.  Also, beautiful. I…