Category: everyday cooking

Review: Apples for Jam, by Tessa Kiros

I love this cookbook.  It’s the cookbook that got me making biscuits, and the cookbook that first convinced me that making my own stock wasn’t that much of a hassle and was worth the time it took.  Either this cookbook…

Recipe: Pasta Carbonara, my way

My father’s family is from the Basilicata region of Italy, and even after moving to Australia, my Nonna and Nonno would make their own sausage every year.  I think one of my great-uncles kept pigs, or maybe just one pig…

What’s for dinner?

What do you cook on those nights when you really don’t feel like cooking?  For me, nine times out of ten it’s pasta.  Generally baked with something, though my old friend, pasta bolognese, the first dish I ever cooked by…

Recipe: Three Roasted Vegetable Soups

Three recipes in one post today, because it’s the same (very easy!) method, but with markedly different flavours.  I’ve given recipes for a very simple but delicious pumpkin soup, a subtly perfumed beetroot soup and a creamy Jerusalem artichoke soup,…

Recipe: Arroz con Pollo with Peas

This recipe is adapted from Andrea Chesman’s book Serving Up the Harvest.  I’ve made this recipe with snow peas, sugar snap peas, green beans or broadbeans supplementing or replacing the peas, and I often add paprika, chilli, oregano, thyme, or…

Review: Cook Simple, by Diana Henry

Is it even possible to have a single favourite cookbook? A specialised cookbook about chocolate is in a whole different category to a culinary encyclopedia or a baking book or an Italian cookbook… and I have favourites in all these…